Thursday 31 July 2014

my human and the latest of the library books

Hello all my feline friends,

I haven't been blogging for ages, mainly because my human has been too busy with everything else but ME, her favourite ghost cat Fluser. I am still hanging around but it is getting harder for me to manifest in noises and sounds. My human's new cat, she calls him Marvin, is hanging up in the house most of the time. He is a pretty noisy bugger and whines all the time. He used to be a stray, before my human adopted him. Now he is microchipped and desexed and enjoys the indoors as much as the outdoors. Unfortunately there is no posibility for him to get out on his own. He needs her to open the door. You guys know how it is, we cats HATE closed doors. If we are on one side of it, we want to go on the other side. Well, we want to have the option (!) to go to the other side. But I know something that Marvin doesn't know. My human will get him a cat flap, so she doesn't need to get up anymore. Sometimes, when Marvin is too noisy and she lets him out, I snuggle with my human on her bed. Well, she does not know that I am there but I am and I love those quiet times, when she is reading one of the many books she has and it almost feels like it used to, when I was still alive. I think she is missing me still. She gets that starey look and then starts to cry. No, I don't think it is because of what she is reading... Anyway, I put up a pic of her with her latest book. She just picked it up from the library, so it is not going to stay, but I know it will make for a nice weekend in bed. I am so looking forward to that. Maybe I even allow Marvin to join us.

Yours meowly

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hello feline friends,
It's me, your friendly feline ghost Fluser.
I have been a very happy little camper on my cloud until recently. I couldn't believe my own eyes, and let me tell you my eyesight is really good now, when I saw this black and white furball hanging around my humans place. I know that my human had a very bad time after my departure and it took her days to clean up the mess I had left during my last days on earth. She cleaned up the food and the litter box and then fell into a deep emotional hole humans call depression. Not good and I have been trying to let her know that I am fine and that I feel better now but I do seem to have some communication problems. I had my own problems with adjusting to my situation and that I no longer am able to cuddle with my human, get her to feed me (not that I feel hungry much), demand to be let out. I have to follow rules and regulations and unfortunately that means I have not many opportunities to get in contact with her. Sometimes though I get my astral self back to my house and I so love to scare the shit out of my humans partner. I heard him telling her the other day that he could have sworn he heard me coming down the hallway. Hah, if he only knew!!!
Well, from where I am I can watch my human and it did hurt for a while to see her restless and sleepless and spending her time at home with only reading one book after another. I know she loves those books, I had to share the bed with them and I can remember that my human wasn't impressed with me very much, when I figured out how to pull those books out of the bookshelves. She has been reading a lot lately. I guess she is trying to compensate her myselfless life with something that takes her mind of the loss of me. My poor human!
Now that she has covered half a year without me she seems to get better, more energetic and active. I noticed that my bowls have been cleaned and put away, some of my really hairy and used mats have been thrown out. She even fed the rest of my dry catfood to some stray outside. BIG MISTAKE!!!
She should have known better that this is a no-no in the world of our feline species. One doesn't feed strays. They stay, they infiltrate, they usurp. They come with the big fat sign "DO NOT FEED!"
But alas, it cannot be helped. My human has a new cat.
Whether it stays or not I cannot say. I have no influence whatsoever now but I hope my human will be alright with her decision. I myself will wail and howl but in the end I will be happy that she is happy.
Happy Birthday My Human.

work colleagues of my human have been treating her well today.
Your ghoulish Fluser

Wednesday 21 November 2012

My long life cut short

Hello friends of the feline variety,
I am greeting you from cloud 7. I can tell you the last weeks have not been great for me, but I am feeling better now. I am missing my human and I guess that's why I tried so hard not to go where I am now.
Since the last blog I have been trying to get my arthritis under control but unfortunately that is the bane of getting older. It is not getting better, only more painful. My human gave her best to alleviate the pain. I noticed that it took me longer each time to settle down and even the softer cushions didn't help much. The injections I received from the vet once a month were less and less helpful and I felt restless and had memory lapses. I also noticed that my human and her partner tried not to yell at me too much even when I created a bit of a mess after leaving my litter box. They were cleaning up behind me and soothed me with soft words.
Although I had seen the vet on a very regular basis I did not have another Thyroid test done as I seemed to deal well with the medication that was rubbed into my ears twice a day. But when my human ran out of medication and fell back to the tablets I did not like that at all. I felt sick and lo and behold I vomited them up again with or without food I had just eaten.
I am glad though that my humans gave me pain killers which relieved my pain temporarily. Noticing all the changes that went on inside me, I tried to be as close as possible to my human and took every chance I had to climb on her chest and headbutt her and enjoy the scratching and petting she administered to my very skinny body. That seemed to be another side effect of my ailment. I was continuously losing weight although I was ravenously eating and drinking. My human could hardly keep up with cleaning my litter box.
I enjoyed to go outside in the backyard and just lay in the high grass and sleep the day away. I guess that's when I felt less pain.
The pain got the better of me in the end. I gave my best but it wasn't enough. The last few days my human noticed that my poo had turned almost black (which seems to be an indication for internal bleeding) and the day before yesterday I started vomiting right after I had eaten. My body was giving away noices that even I had never heard before and I felt really crappy. My human sensed that something was wrong with me because I alienated myself into the darkest corner of the library. She and her partner were conversing in hushed tones and yesterday he took me to the vet again. I could feel he was very upset and then he called my human who had dutifully gone to work (as she always does). A short time later she came into the vet as well and though she tried to hide it very hard she was upset as well. I felt shitty and that made it even worse. She wispered endearments into my ear but I was having trouble listening. I am pretty sure she told me how much she loved me but I only wanted to have the pain go away. My body was burning and after a while the nice vet lady took me into the back room and attached a needle with a plastic thing in my front leg. Then she brought me back to my human and while my human had tears in her eyes she hugged me and then the vet injected some green fluid into that plastic thing. I turned around and looked but all of the sudden my head went light and my legs gave way. After that came darkness and the pain went away.

Now I am in a very interesting place but that I will tell you about later.
Your beloved Feline

Sunday 11 March 2012

What do I do with my spare time? part two

Well, here I am again, friends of the furry felines,
where was I? Ah, yes, my human leaves in her metal box and I miss her... for about 5 seconds. Then I climb into her bed and curl up right where I can still feel her warmth and smell her scent. And I sleep and dream of all the adventures I could have... I wake up and check the parameter, I have a name to defend and I know that there is this tiny little creature behind the bookshelves (my human calls it a mouse), but I leave it be as I have a full food bowl and fresh water and some dry kibble which I am not really fussed on since my last visit to the vet. My teeth are not getting younger either... I am an old and wise cat!!! I look out into the backyard as my human leaves the noisy screens open a bit so I have some light in the house during the day. Nothing much going on out there, the weeds are growing and the wind is blowing gently. Sometimes I see some feathered brethren, but they fly away as soon as I scratch on the window glass. Then I walk back into the bedroom and curl up on a big padded envelope my human left there for me when I was having back pain and could not climb my stairs. I fall into a deep slumber and spend a short but intense time in dreamland.
I have to get up to get to my litter box, I should not have had that much water before, but I was so thirsty chasing that spider all over the hallway... my human likes all kind of animals so she has quite a few arachnoids living with us. They don't bother me, I usually don't bother them unless they are running right in front of me along the floor. That has ruffled my fur a bit so I have to sit down and give it a good grooming. I am very thorough with it and I try to stick to my routine, first the left paw then the right one, then over the face and over the ears and then the paws again. I have to turn around and lean against the wall to stretch out my leg and clean the under side of it. Trust me, with back pain that is not an easy task, but I am good in everything I do so I accomplish that as well. But my day is not over yet, so till the next time I will tell you more...
Your feline Fluser

Tuesday 28 February 2012

What do I do with my spare time? Part one

Cats do sleep 16 hours a day, well that's a myth. I dose quite a bit but sleeping is not big in my busy schedule.
In the early morning hours I am bright awake, listen to all the noises that seep through doors and windows and of cause the rumbling of my tummy. I climb up the stairs my human has next to her bed (for me as I am too old to jump up on it) and start the task of getting her out of bed to feed me. I have a quick bite and then I settle down for a first of many naps. When the first light tickles my eyes I get up again and start to get vocal. A quiet meow is followed by a louder one and an even louder one. If that isn't getting my human out of bed I will climb up the stairs again and pull her arm with my paw. Usually I am pretty successful with that but sometimes she is really fast asleep and I have to use tougher measures like climbing on my human and using some pressure points that get her up quickly. If that fails there is always her husband who yells at me which wakes my human up and to keep the peace she gets up and we go outside.
There I will check who trespassed on my land, read the news and relief myself (mainly to warn others off not to step on my property). I watch the neighbours leave in their metal boxes and sometimes I get a rub along my spine from my human. I like that, it loosens itchy hair and my toes curl while the rest of my body relaxes. Then she yells at me too as I flopped down "in the middle of ant traffic", not that I really understand what she means by that. Well by that time I have enough of being outside (I am an indoor cat by trade but an adventurous outdoor cat by heart) and choose to go back inside. While my human is getting changed in what she calls "work clothes" I check my bowl, find it empty and come down the hallway complaining. I find my human in the bathroom and get told to wait. Me? Waiting? Who does she think she is? Nothing is more important than my belly and my wellbeing. to be continued...
More next time when I am between my naps, your feline

Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Australia Day!!!

Hi Feline lovers,
it all started this morning when I tried to get my human up to feed me. She absolutely ignored me, it did not matter what I did, meowing softly in her ear, walking over her, walking into the hallway as my voice echoes in there beautifully. All it did was arrousing my human's husband's ire. I know he wants to wring my neck (figuratively, as he would get into trouble with my human) and I guess I sometimes try my best to irritate him. Anyway, I probably did not think about both of them having what they call headaches and therefore ignored all the warning signs. My human slept in like till too long and her husband spent hours on end in front of the moving picture box (he says it relaxes him) while I tried to get some decent food and a way out into either the backyard or the frontyard. When she finally made an appearance, she went straight on that flip thing, then she got the usual "we go out" procedure and packed a bag and off they went. They left the light on, that means only one thing!!! They expect to return after sunset. How uncool. I am left to my own devices, with a bowl of food and (thank Bastet) a fresh water bottle. I haven't seen the mouse that lives behind the furniture but I can hear it. Not that it really bothers me because if I caught it they would expect me to do that all the time, "No thank you, not interested in that job...!" So I waited and eventually they rocked up again, even before the sun set. I am not a spiteful cat but my human should never have left me for she came home looking like a lobster, her back all red and radiating heat. It looks painful and I think we are in for a restless night. She usually knows better and is aware of the consequences but hey, I am only the cat and I could have told her so...
So have a feline Australia Day
yours Fluser

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Can I take off my fur in this heat?

Hi there friends,
it turns out to be a summer after all. The heat is ruling our life and the way the humans are dealing with it shows a great deal how they cherish the people around them. Well, to be telling the truth I give a whisker how my humans husband feels. But my human does and she suffers for it. Don't get me wrong, I cannot stand the heat but I like it warm and so does my human. She spends most of these days indoors to get away from the sun. Her skin is usually pale but since we arrived on these foreign shores her arms are covered in freckles and her face looks always flushed. She calls it "sunburn" which sounds pretty painful to me. When she leaves the house she covers up and I can imagine that it would be quite strange in this heat to put on more clothes rather than less. I sometimes wish I could take my coat off in this heat but then I am grateful that I have it because it gets awefully cold in my house. When noone is here but me I am quite comfortable, sometimes maybe a tad warm but I can stretch myself out and lay on the tiles to cool down. When my humans husband is here there is this cold air coming out of holes in the ceiling and I have to look for a place out of the draft.
Since the last weekend we have been living in an ice box and thanks to my human I can thaw outside for a while as she opens the backdoor for me. Unfortunately she suffers from pain in her head and blames the constant in and out of "airconditioned rooms" for it. See and that is the crux of it. Only out of love for her husband she keeps the cold air on as he prefers it and after long hours driving outside in that heat (did I mention he is driving giant metal boxes for earning my catfood?) he is insisting that he needs it to cool down. I love my human too and that is why I cuddle up with her under the blanket and keep her warm. It just annoys me that she suffers that terrible pain in the head. Neither sleep nor pills seem to help, so I blame it on the heat as well and hope that it will cool down soon.
Your feline furball Fluser